Hours of Operation
Lady Game Community Kindergarten accommodates forty children enrolled at the preschool each day. With five teachers present each day, this provides a teacher-child ratio of 1:8.
The preschool is open from 8.00am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Please contact us on 02 94165707 to discuss enrolment options for your child.
We are closed during school holidays and on public holidays. In addition, teachers have scheduled in-service training days each year.
Dates for 2024
Term 1
Wednesday 31st January - Friday 12th April (Tuesday 30th Pupil Free)
Term 2
Tuesday 30th April - Friday 5th July (Monday 29th April Pupil Free)
Term 3
Tuesday 23rd July - Friday 27th September (Monday 22nd July Pupil Free)
Term 4
Monday 14th October - Wednesday 18th December (No pupil-free day at the start of term)